Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are You Ready?

Are you ready for winter? I know it is only October, but I was driving around in snow today during my trek through the woods working. Here is a couple of pics I took to prove it.

At 2025 feet elevation there was snow mixed in the rain. At 3500 feet elevation, the pictures, it was all snow. Nice big fluffy flakes. It helped make a rather enjoyable day. I got to play in the snow(well at least drive around in it), went for a jog on a nature trail along the Santiam river to get a geocache, saw some deer,(one might have been a buck, but I did not get a clear enough look to be sure enough to shoot), and did not have to stare at a computer screen all day. Who cares that it was raining the rest of the day, I got to be outside enjoying Gods creation.
The deer I saw must have been some genetically mixed up ones. They looked confused and did not know if they wanted to run or stop to gawk. So they ran a little and gawked a little. Unfortunately they did not stop and gawk in the right spots for me to confirm the antlers I needed to see in order to throw some lead at them. I think they are a little heavier on the runner side of the gene pool so they stayed in the protected areas. Maybe I'll be able to find a true gawker later this weekend.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I love it that you are a blogger, John! I'll have to go back and read all of your old ones!

We love you guys!