Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring 2010

After a mild winter, spring has arrived and we are all looking forward to getting outside and doing the normal spring and summer, fair weather activities. Or so we thought. Just when we were getting used to warmer weather, winter tried to do a hostile take over of spring. Winter has been disgruntled for a while since people always complain about how cold it is, how bad the weather it is, and bad driving conditions. So winter laid low during the time frame everyone expects it to show up and let us have mild weather during those months. Then just as everyone was glad to see the warm weather of spring and start worrying about the low snow pack in the mountains, winter shoved spring aside and slammed us with the worst weather we had the whole time it was supposed to be here.
We had more snow during this April snow storm than we had all winter long. The high elevations finally had enough snow that we could not drive there anymore.
It was a pretty bold move on winters part, covering our forest with a blanket of snow down to 1000' and even lower in the month of April.

Winter lost the battle though, and Spring has regained its hold on this time of year. The snow is gone and everything is back to normal. Now we can all stop complaining about the cold temps, the bad weather, and the bad driving conditions, and get on with the normal Spring complaints about too much rain, all the pollen causing allergies to act up, and all the bugs that are hatching! Just don't complain too loudly, or Winter might just take another stab at taking over Spring.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lake Angelee

I bet you have never heard of Lake Angelee. It is a lake that only shows up once in a while, usually when some kids(there is 13 in the cul-de-sac) have been outside playing and then there is a heavy rainstorm. When the kids go inside they sometimes forget(I know that a kid forgetting to do something is hard to believe, but it happens occasionally around here) to remove the boards that keep their balls and toys from falling into the storm drain. We call it Lake Angelee because that is the name of the street we live on. It shows up a couple times a year. Its depth depends on how long it took someone to go out in the rain and pull the boards out of the storm drain. The kids would love to go back out and play in it, but it is usually only here in the cold weather times of the year. We have thought about making Lake Angelee in the summer so the kids could play in it, but city water is expensive here in Lebanon. We will have to hope for a heavy rain in the summer.