Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Zippy lives here!(that what I named the spider that made this web)

The other day as I was driving out to a plantation to check on the baby trees, I saw a bunch of spiderwebs glistening in the morning sunlight, covered with drops of dew. I was just now looking at the pictures thinking about how intricately each one is made and wondering how the spider knows how to do that. If you believe in evolution, then the spiders ability to do this just evolved over millions of years through trial and error, and just happened by chance. My question is, what did the spiders eat for those millions of years it took for them to develop this ability and knowledge through evolution. It seems to me that they would not have been able to produce very many more spiders if they could not eat. Then, what would you think if one day you suddenly had sticky stringy stuff shooting out from your backside? That would kind of be a shock. Plus they would have had to develop, at the same time, the stuff that keeps them from sticking to their own web. Since this new ability just showed up, who teaches the spider what to do with this new found ability? What would make you think to trap food in something that suddenly started coming out of that area of your body? I do not know the probability of these two things happening by chance, but I am sure there is lots of zeros after the 1. Once you get to a certain number of zeros after the 1 it is considered a statistical impossibility. I am sure this would be past that point.

I named this spider Lazy. He was not home but apparently only wants to catch big bugs.
I like that God has put so much evidence for creation in creation. I personally believe that God created everything, just as the Bible says. He did it in 6 days and has He put man on earth to take care of it. There are so many examples in the animal world, like the spider thing I was thinking about, that if you think about it would remove any doubt that God created all things. They could just not happen by chance over millions of years, the animal, bug, bird, fish, whatever could not survive unless they are complete as they are today, from day one. Check out www.drdino.com if you want to study more info like this.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God.......
End of story.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Wow, I am so proud to have a husband who believes and stands on that belief. That was an awesome post! God is an incredible creator. Maybe more will read this, (wink wink)