Friday, December 17, 2010

Innocent until Proven Guilty

The crime scene.
We had a mystery to solve the other day at the Jayne household.  We had our immediate suspects, but since our justice system says everyone is innocent until proven guilty, we had to examine all the evidence before making a verdict and sentencing the guilty party!  The first step was doing some forensic analysis of the mess to determine where it came from.  It was determined that is was the remains of a cup of hot chocolate.  Next, after forensic analysis of the footprints, it was determined that the suspect had very small feet.  That ruled out the owner of said cup of hot chocolate because her feet are a lot bigger than those.  It was determined however, that she was an accomplice in the crime because she left the cup within reach of other suspects know to have the propensity to perform acts of a similar nature in the past.  There are two that have long rap sheets of similar crimes against this household.  Next we reviewed all of the surveillance photos that were taken of the incident.

"I didn't do it!"
Here is suspect number one showing that she is trying to help clean up a mess that someone else made.  The evidence all over her face is telling us a different story though.

Caught red handed.
Upon further review of the surveillance photos, we found this one of the act in progress.  She is found guilty on all charges of unauthorized use of an unsealed liquid beverage container and unauthorized disbursement of a liquid beverage in a non eating zone.  Now it is up to the jury to sentence this horrible criminal.
Using the "I'm too cute defense!"
Now she uses the "I'm too cute to punish" defense.  Which she is almost too cute and it was determined that her punishment would be a nap.  (It was nap time anyway!)  This criminal was allowed a warm bath and some fresh clean clothes before being sent to serve her sentence.

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