and lots of tools. I just don't ever seem to have time to work in the shop
with the tools. I have plenty of projects and ideas, just not much time. Not to
mention the fact that I have so much other stuff in my shop that I cannot
do anything in there when I want to!

chasing that little white ball around nicely mowed grassy areas. I have decided that my slice is just the result of me being a forester. I really like trees! I spend a lot of time getting that little white ball out of the trees.

My newest hobby comes from my love of maps and GPS. (Global Positioning System). Geocahcing is a lot of fun. I get to hike in the woods, sometimes in towns, and find hidden treasures by following GPS coordinates. Its lots of fun, and currently probably my favorite hobby because the girls can do it and like
to do it with me.

I also still love mountain biking. I did it a lot in college. I even raced. Back then I was
all about going fast and racing downhills. Now I am trying to get back into it just to get
into better shape. It can get very expensive if you get into it too much.

Photography is another hobby I enjoy. It was too expensive when I had a film camera.
But now I have a nice digital SLR and I can just fire at will when I see something.

come out of the end of a narrow round barrel at a high rate of speed and hopefully puts meat in the freezer. So this is not just a hobby, its sortof like grocery shopping in a fun way. I bet you would not have to deal with crowds if you could do regular grocery shopping this way!

The great thing about this hobby is it is very inexpensive. Unless you think you need expensive
boots to do it in. It is also great because you can throw in some of the other hobbies at the same time. The best part for me is that I get paid to do this at work!
These are just some of the hobbies that I could remember right now. The only problem with having all these hobbies is finding time to fit them all in, or deciding which one to do at any given time. So a lot of times I am overwhelmed with choices and have to sit down and blog about it. Oh no, there is a new hobby, Blogging. Maybe my new hobby would be collecting hobbies. I could try new things once and claim it to be a hobby. It would probably give me lots of new things to blog about. But when would I get time to do my old hobbies? How do you make these decisions?
There is always tomorrow.
Feel free to use any of my hobbies as your own. I obviously cannot do them all at once and am more than willing to share! Although it might be fun, hunting golf balls on my mountain bike carrying the thing I build in my workshop that holds my camera and rifle. I could even put a GPS signal in the balls to find them like a geocache. That sounds interesting. Hmmmmmm?
There is always tomorrow.
Feel free to use any of my hobbies as your own. I obviously cannot do them all at once and am more than willing to share! Although it might be fun, hunting golf balls on my mountain bike carrying the thing I build in my workshop that holds my camera and rifle. I could even put a GPS signal in the balls to find them like a geocache. That sounds interesting. Hmmmmmm?
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