What is will power? For me when it comes to food, I think there is two little guys living me. One is names Will the other is Will Not. They are perpetually in a mixed martial arts, no holds barred cage match over what I want to eat and do actually eat. The little guy named Will is a nice guy. He is always trying to help me out and do what I want when it comes to food intake.(quality as well as quantity) He looks out for me and reminds me that I do not need to eat that full foot long sandwich, I would be just fine with a six inch, and feel better afterwards too. Or he will tell me that even though I'm hungry, its almost time to go home and dinner will be ready soon. But just when I think I'm gonna make it through, Will Not jumps up out of no where and body slams Will to the mat with the $5 footlong. Its less that $1 dollar more for that footlong than the six inch you want to order. It wouldn't be financially responsible to get a six inch when I could get a better deal for the foot long. Maybe I Will just eat half of it and save the other half for tomorrow. Will Not jumps back up and puts Will in a choke hold with that freshly toasted smell of that delicious sandwich and before Will wakes up, its all gone.

Or at the end of the day, I'm a little hungry, since I ate my lunch at 9:30 am, and Will reminds me it will be dinner time when I get home. I do not need to get anything. It works and I start to leave the office. But as I go by the lunch room, Will Not jumps off the top of the cage, smashes Will to the ground, and puts him in a painful armbar, as the people on break in the lunch room tell me I have to come eat the last piece of cake. Will tries to get away, but Will Not has been working out and those armbars really hurt! That cake was good.

Besides it wouldn't it be rude to not help celebrate someones birthday. Then sometimes Will does help me out of the office safely and I start home. Only to be visously hit by Will Not with greater hunger and a reminder of the change in the ash tray and the dollar menu at Mcdonalds. Will Not reminds me that the change is just going to waste bouncing around in there, and I should really use it to keep it from bouncing out and getting lost in the truck and it will keep me from passing out from hunger on the way home. Its a safety thing! With all this good reasoning Will Not has Will down in a full guard blasting him with brutal elbow to the head, rendering him helpless long enough for me to stuff a $1 cheeseburger down. $1 cheeseburgers should be illeagal!
Occasionally, Will does pull one over on Will Not with a sudden spinning leg kick to the head, knocking him out long enough for us to get home without eating a bunch of junk. Its amazing how much better I feel when Will wins. That gives me incentive to follow Will more. So he is slowly building his strength and is getting even with that mean old Will Not. Eventually, I might even lose weight.
It reminds me of what Paul the apostle said in Romans: For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
I can thank God for his mercy and grace, knowing that he loves me and through Him, I can overcome sin.
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