Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another hair blog

You would think that there are a bunch of girls around here as much as I blog about hair.  Especially if you know me and how much hair is on my head!  Well, there are a bunch of girls around here and here is at least my 3rd blog about hair in the last year. 
We were getting ready to go run some errands as a family last Sunday afternoon and I noticed something a little out of whack with the Tornados hair.  So I asked her, "Sarah, what happened to your ponytail?  Did you get a flat?"

Someone let the air out of one ponytail!
"Yep!" She replied. 

I got ponytail!

Then I ask her where her ponytails are.
Here they are! See?
"There right here Daddy!"  Thankfully mommy was nearby to rescue the near hair disaster and fixed them before we went out in public.  We know the Tornado would have been traumatised for years to come going out in public like that!

There is what the ponytails are supposed to look like!

Now seeing that there are a large number of girls around here, this will probably not be the last blog about hair.  Just remember I will probably not be talking about my hair.

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