Sunday, February 6, 2011

The next computer programmer

Our 1 year old is already typing on the computer!  She can't even talk or read yet, but she thinks she can do stuff on the computer.  She usually gets in trouble for touching the computer but this time she looked as if she knew what she was doing so we let her stay there to get some pictures. 

It is always amazing and humbling to me to see the things that our kids pick up and learn just by watching us.  It just makes you think about the things you do to see if it is something that you want your kids to be doing. With Leah being just over 1 year old, not able to talk, and definitely not able to read, we had not spent any time teaching her how to use a computer.  She just climbed up into the chair and started doing what she has seen Brooke and I do.  So when God said in Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it," He was not just referring to the things we tell and teach our kids, but also our actions and behavior.  The things we do and how we act and interact with others probably teaches our children more about life than the things we tell them or teach them verbally.  Seeing Leah do this on the computer was just a big reminder of how much children pay attention and learn from us even when we are not aware they are looking.  So think about the things you do when your kids are around.  Is there anything that you do that you would not want your children to do?  I just thank God that it is not totally up to me, because I screw up all the time, I just have to ask for forgiveness and be thankful for Gods grace.


Dylan and Ali Smith said...

Right on! Awesome post. Love that little baby! Have a good week!

Sheri said...

great post