Sunday, March 6, 2011

You want how much for a maple bar?

A couple Saturdays ago, we decided to take the whole family to lunch in Eugene and see a movie.  We had some burgers at this burger place near Valley River Center that were pretty good and then went to see Gnomeo and Juliet.  Everyone enjoyed the movie.  After the movie, we decided to go try some donuts at a place we have heard about on TV that makes some interesting donuts.  There is one in Portland and another one in Eugene.  The doughnut we have heard about it the Bacon Maple bar and we really wanted to try one.  Once we found the place and went in, with our 4 daughters, we discovered that it is not a great place for kids.  There was some things on the walls for decoration that I did not really need to see.  Then we found out that it is cash only.  All we had was about $6.00.  You would think that would get you a few donuts, but they are very proud of their donuts.  The Bacon Maple Bar was $2.75 for 1 donut!  They had a Banana fritter with chocolate and peanut butter topping that was $3.99!  So we got 3 cheaper donuts just to try and left.  We will probably never go back.  Now if you do the math, there are 6 people in our family and only 3 donuts, and one of those donuts was for someone else.  Since the kids were really looking forward to having donuts we decided we would make some at home!  After all, the Bacon Maple Bar was nothing more than a Maple Bar with 2 strips of bacon on it.  We can do that!
I think Riah is doing an "I like doughnuts dance" here!
 Here the batter has been made, doughnuts cut and rising.  Just getting ready to cook them.  Next step is deep frying them.
Once they were cooked we had to put some sort of topping on them.  The kids had some ideas and we had some ideas so we tried a few different things.
Some of them we covered in powdered sugar.
Then we put some raspberry jelly inside a few.  One of the ideas the girls had was to fill up the hole with mini marshmallows.
You know we had to do the Bacon Maple bar!
The doughnuts are all done cooking now.  We could not put the maple frosting on when they just came out, so we were waiting for them to cool a little before finishing those.
 The girls also wanted to put Cheerios on some.
These are what I was waiting for.  The Bacon topped Maple bar.  They were really good!
Here we are torturing the kids, telling them that they could not have any until morning!  (We did actually let them have one before they went to bed. Notice the Tornado is still moving too fast to be in focus in the picture, as usual.)
Here was all the doughnuts we made.  It cost less to make all these than to buy 1 Bacon Maple bar at that other place, and our house is kid friendly!  We could start our own bakery making doughnuts to sell, but I think we would eat all our profits and it would not be good for our waists!

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