Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Conversations with number 3

Our 3rd daughter, Sarah, is a source of constant entertainment for Brooke and I.  She has really started talking in the last few months and always makes us laugh.  I like to have fun with her and ask her off the wall questions to just to hear what she will say.  A lot of the things she does has earned her a few nicknames as well. You can read about those HERE.  Like the nickname blog said, I often call them Bob or George when I first see them.  Mainly Sarah, because she responds in a more funny way than the older girls.  The older girls just look at me and say, "Daddy, my name is not Bob!"  For Sarah, this is just the beginning of a conversation about her name.

Here is how the conversations usually goes.
"Hi Bob!"
"I not Bob, I Sarah."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I Sarah Bob!"
"What about George?"
"I Sarah Bob George."
"So your name is Sarah Bob George?"
"Yes, George!"

This can continue as long as I keep asking her more questions.  The other night we were at a friends house and she was asked what her name was.  She responded with Sarah.  Then when she was asked how long she has been named Sarah, she looked at her fingers and said 3.  Next she was asked if she knew what her name was before her name was Sarah.  Without hesitating she said, Yes.  Sarah!  Later that night at home, I asked her the same questions.  Here is the conversation that followed.

"What is your name?"
"I Sarah."
"Who named you?"
"I did."
"But who gave you the name Sarah?"
"I myself!"
"You named yourself Sarah?"
"Yes, I Sarah!"
"You don't think that maybe mommy and daddy named you?"
"Daaaadddddy, I Sarah. I name me!"

Then she walked off to play with some toys.  So our 3 year old is very confident that before she was named Sarah, her name was Sarah, and she named herself Sarah!  Conversations like these are the ones that I cannot wait to show her when she is older!  That will be fun.

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