Thursday, October 14, 2010

New hair styles!?

Here is what happens when you let your 6 year old make her own hairstyle!

If anyone needs a new do, she is more than willing to help you find a new style!

She works cheap.

Here is another view to show you she does not skimp, but gets all the hair involved.

Even with wild hair like this she is still pretty cute with all those freckles!!

Okay, before you turn me in for being a bad parent, she did this to her hair for a reason. It was crazy hair night at her Awana club meeting and she wanted to have the craziest hair! I did not see the other kids hair, but I am sure this had to be in the top 5. I would say that she would not normally go out in public like this, but she probably would. She does not usually pay much attention to her hair. I am sure that will probably change in the next few years!

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